gods son

  1. last real nigga alive sarkisinda cok sert ve samimi bir dil ile kariyeri boyunca karsilastigi zorluklari, yedigi kaziklari anlatmistir. jay-z ye karsi sempatimi kiran sarki olmustur ayni zamanda *

    "i gave it all up so I can chill at home with mama
    she was getting old and sick so i stayed beside her
    We had the best times, she asked would I make more songs
    I told her not til I see her health get more strong
    In the middle of that, Jay tried to sneak attack
    Assassinate my character, degrade my hood
    Cause in order for him to be the Don, Nas had to go"


    6/11/2019 14:58
        heart_plus : 0 stat_minus_2 : 0